How do I cancel my PearBudget subscription?
If you want to cancel your PearBudget subscription, here's what to do:
Bear in mind that canceling your account will permanently delete your data. If you'd like, you can export first.
While still logged in, scroll to the bottom of any PearBudget page to find the "Account Settings" link in the bottom-right corner. Click on it.
Scroll to the bottom of the Account Settings page, and click on the red "Continue" button under the "Need to delete your account / subscription?" section.
Please share with us your reason for leaving! This helps us make future improvements to PearBudget.
Check the box to say you really want to delete everything, and then click the "Delete everything" button.
Having trouble logging in to do this? Please email us from the email address you use for your PearBudget account, and we can help you cancel your subscription.